Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Writing to me is like being punched in the face, I hate it.  I would much rather be punched in the face than have to write a paper.  With that said, I have never had any good experiences with any English or writing professors.  I have always never gotten along well with them but am hoping that is not the case in this class.  In previous English classes that I have taken I never felt like I was learning anything.  I would turn in a paper and they would correct my grammar in red ink and tell me what sentence does not really make sense but I was never told why things were supposed to be different.  This might be the reason why I have never liked my English professors.  Another problem I have had in the past with English classes is some of the grading techniques.  In my first college level English course my final papers were graded solely on completion rather than content.  I was never told whether they were quality papers or not, rather my professor just looked at the length and gave me an "A" because I filled enough space.  I still never knew I had written anything worth reading.  What I hope to get out of this class is the knowledge and know-how on writing quality papers that I will feel comfortable and confident about as others will read my work.